5 Immediate Enhancers to Increase Sperm Health

Written by Sara Scrivano, L.Ac
It does take two to tango! When you are trying to conceive, it’s not only the quality of the egg, the quality of sperm is just as important. In fact, 30-50% of infertility cases are due to male factor infertility. Research has indicated that overall sperm health has declined a significant amount throughout the decades, which is alarming. It takes 3 months to generate sperm, so the sperm that a male has now was produced 3 months ago. 
The good news is that there are things that one can immediately put into action to build good HEALTHY sperm. Look at these top 5 lifestyle factors that one can start today to improve sperm health and increase fertility.
1). Limit Alcohol:
 Alcohol can remain a big factor when men are trying to conceive. Studies have shown that heavy alcohol use has a BIG effect on sperm morphology as well as sperm volume. Heavy alcohol consumption also leads to heart defects as well as other 
birth defects in newborns. Although the research is not clear as to how much alcohol one should consume while trying to conceive, the best scenario is no alcohol intake for 6 months prior to conceiving. However, fewer than 5 units of alcohol per week is a safer consumption.
2). Choose A Healthy Diet: 
Diet has a HUGE effect on one’s general health and sperm health.
  • Omit trans-fats found in heavy oils and fried foods
  • Avoid processed foods (frozen and canned goods)
  • Eat fresh and organic
  • Eat a variety of color in fruits and veggies (different nutrients are found in color!)
  • Eat lean meats and incorporate fatty fishes like salmon and cod (avoid tuna, swordfish and other fishes high in mercury)
  • Incorporate beans
  • Eat whole grains: buckwheat, brown rice and barley
  • Eat plenty of fiber
3). Monitor Cell Phone and Laptop Use: 
Cell phones and laptops emit radio waves that can decrease sperm motility. This has an adverse effect on sperm health and is something that men use daily. I recommend using cell phones with wires (yes…I said that) and making sure that laptops are not directly on one’s lap.
4). Avoid High Scrotal Temperature: 
Sperm survive in an optimal temperature range. If this temperature range becomes too high, this can decrease sperm health. Studies have shown that high scrotal temperature can decrease sperm concentration, morphology and motility.  
Avoid things that you normally would consider heat up the testes, saunas and hot tubs should be avoided. Also, avoid things that may cause an increase in testicular temperature like sitting for prolonged periods of time as well as biking and wearing tight underwear.
5). Maintain Healthy Weight: 
 Studies have shown that being moderately overweight to being obese can decrease sperm health. This is higher adipose in the body can lead to decreased testosterone and increased estrogen which influences spermatogenesis (sperm development). Also, higher fats in the body can lead to increased antioxidants, compounds that breakdown cells as well as heat, another issue that damages sperm. Maintaining a healthy BMI is the key to healthy sperm.

if you’re looking for fertility coaching or treatment please email us at
to set up a 15 minute complimentary phone consultation.

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